Monday, October 15, 2012

Adnroid SDK Manager Access Denied Error

I tried to update the Android SDK with latest revisions and I kept getting “Access denied” error.  I checked the folder permissions and all seemed fine.  I updated the permissions anyway to allow “Full Control” but this still did not work.  I then tried to execute Eclipse using the “Run as administrator”.  This worked for all the components except the “SDK Platform”.  The system could not update the “SDK Platform” due to conflicts with Eclipse being open.  So I closed Eclipse and ran the SDK Manager using the “Run as administrator” and this worked perfectly.

Using "Run as administrator" for SDK Manager
Android SDK Manager

Thursday, July 19, 2012

How to Group iPhone Icons

1.  Go to the screen where the icons you want to group are located.  If they are on different screens, then go to the screen where one of the icons are located.  (See below on grouping icons that are in different screens.)

iPhone Home Screen

2Hold down any icon on the screen until all the icons start to “wiggle”.

iPhone Screen wiggle shake

3Hold down and drag one of the icons you want to group to be on top of the other icon that is to be grouped with.
iPhone icon drag

4Release the icon.  You will be prompted to name the new group.  Enter new group name or you may choose to use the default name assigned.

iPhone icon new group box creation

5Touch outside the main area when done.  You will see your new group on the screen.

iPhone icon new group box creation

6To add icon from different screen to the group, go the screen where the icon you want to move is located. 

7Hold down the icon until the icons begin to wiggle as in step 2 above.

8Drag the icon either to the left or right of the screen depending on which screen the group is located. 

iPhone icon drag across screens

9The screen will change “pages”.  Continue to hold on to the icon and drag to the designated group and release.

iPhone adding icon to existing group box

10 Your icon has been added to the group.

iPhone adding group box

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

How to Use Microsoft Office Templates

1. Start a new work book by clicking on the Office icon  at the top right-hand corner.

2.  Select “New” from the drop down menu.
You will see a “New Workbook” screen pop-up from the window.
Microsoft Office New Workbook
Figure 1. New Workbook window

3. In the “New Workbook” screen you will see a list of templates are available.  In the “Templates” section, under “Installed Templates” are listed templates that are already on your computer.  You do not need to be connected to the internet to use these templates.

Microsoft Office Installed Templates
Figure 2. Installed Templates

4. There are also additional templates listed in the “Microsoft Office Online” section available for download.  You will need to be connected to the internet to use templates from this section.  Some of these templates were created by Microsoft and some were created by Microsoft Excel users to share with others.

5. To determine the source of the template, select a template by first selecting a category and then click only once on a template icon.  For example, select “Inventories” category, and then click once on “Home contents inventory list”.  You will see the screen below.

Microsoft Office Online Templates
 Figure 3. Microsoft Office Online templates

On the rightmost column of the “New Workbook” window, you will see the title of the template.  In the figure above, the title is “Home contents inventory list”.  The “Provided by” specifies who created the template.  The “Download size” indicates how large the file is.  Most template file sizes are relatively small (less than 100KB) so you do not need to worry about download time.  The “Rating” is based on user feedback of the template.  A preview image of the template is also shown in this section.

6. A template that was submitted by a User and not created by Microsoft will have a disclaimer from Microsoft in the rightmost column.  See example below.

Microsoft Office Member Submitted Templates
 Figure 4. Member submitted template

7. To download a template, click on the “Download” button. 
Download button
The downloaded template will populate and your document.  You can begin using the template and remove any sample information that may be on the template.

Microsoft Office Downloaded template
Figure 5. Downloaded template

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This blog is for everyone who needs everyday how-to's on using the computer.   Technology does not have to be complicated.  Posts will provide step-by-step instructions from how to set up your computer to how to use Microsoft Office and how to navigate websites.  I hope you find this blog helpful.

Please send feedback, questions, and suggestions for future posts at any time.  
